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3910 -3912 Martin Way E in Olympia

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Listing ID:2199784 (Commercial)
Listing Price:$4,200,000
Days on Market:72


Lot Size:1.24 acre (54,014 sqft)

Two high quality buildings built in 2006. Both have new HVAc units. First building is home to Light Dental and Hatton Godat Pantier with several years left on their leases. Second building has several tenants with short term leases making it perfect for an owner user to purchase and have the first building as investment income. Buildings are located on busy Martin Way and very close to Providence Hospital and I-5 access. Purchaser has the ability to separate the two buildings and sell them individually. Abundance of parking.


This listing is provided courtesy of NWMLS, contributed by Coldwell Banker Evergreen.

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